Note This version was made before v0.6 and should be refactor using the AGEBasic cabinet event system. CDL --- name: stupid_jukebox_screen material: black author: Curif version: 1.0 comment: Insert coin to shuffle play. (c) debug-mode: true model: file: jukebox_screen.glb agebasic: active: true debug: true after-insert-coin: stupid_jukebox_screen_insert_coin.bas coinslot: coin-slot-small coinslotgeometry: rotation: x: -90 crt: type: 19i-agebasic orientation: horizontal screen: shader: crt damage: medium invertx: false inverty: false geometry: rotation: x: -90 file:“stupid_jukebox_screen_insert_coin.bas” 10 REM Initialize and read music directory content 20 LET musicDirectory = MusicPath() 30 LET fileList = getFiles(musicDirectory, ":", 0) 40 LET fileTotal = CountMembers(fileList, ":") 50 LET filesPerPage = 10 60 LET currentPage = 0 70 LET totalPages = fileTotal / filesPerPage 80 IF MOD(fileTotal, filesPerPage) > 0 THEN LET totalPages = INT(totalPages + 1) 85 LETS width, height = screenWidth(), ScreenHeight() 90 LET emptyline = " " * (width - 1) 100 LETS currentIndex, windowChanged, rowStart = 0, 0, 5 110 LET SelectedList = "" 120 LET option = -1 125 LETS volume, minDB, maxDB = AudioMusicGetVolume(), -80, 0 130 CLS 140 PRINT 0,0, ("\64" * 15) + " JUKEBOX " + ("\64" * 15), 1, 0 150 PRINT 0,2, "B=SELECT Y=OPTIONS A=EXIT", 0,0 160 PRINT 0,3, "up/down/left/right to move",0,0 170 PRINT 0,4, "-" * (width - 1), 0,0 180 PRINT 0,rowStart + filesPerPage, "-" * (width - 1), 0,0 190 GOSUB 4500 'print menu 195 GOSUB 7530 'volume indicator 200 GOSUB 1000 'print window 230 REM Input loop for navigation and selection 250 IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_RIGHT") THEN GOSUB 700 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_LEFT") THEN GOSUB 600 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_DOWN") THEN GOSUB 800 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_UP") THEN GOSUB 900 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_B") THEN GOSUB 1600 ' select/unselect option ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_Y") THEN GOSUB 5000 ' main menu ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_A") THEN END ' exit jukebox 320 REM Refresh display if page or selection changes 330 IF windowChanged THEN GOTO 200 350 SLEEP 0.1 360 GOTO 250 ' Repeat input loop 600 ' handling page left 610 IF currentPage <= 0 THEN RETURN 620 LET currentPage = currentPage - 1 630 LETS currentIndex, windowChanged = currentPage * filesPerPage, 1 640 RETURN 700 ' handling page right 710 IF currentPage >= totalPages - 1 THEN RETURN 720 LET currentPage = currentPage + 1 730 LETS currentIndex, windowChanged = currentPage * filesPerPage, 1 740 RETURN 800 ' handling line down 810 IF currentIndex >= endIndex THEN RETURN 820 LETS currentIndex, windowChanged = currentIndex + 1, 1 830 RETURN 900 'handling line up 910 if currentIndex <= startIndex THEN RETURN 920 LETS currentIndex, windowChanged = currentIndex - 1, 1 930 RETURN 1000 REM Display file window 1020 LET startIndex = currentPage * filesPerPage 1030 LET endIndex = MIN(startIndex + filesPerPage - 1, fileTotal - 1) 1050 LETS row, maxrow = rowStart, rowStart + filesPerPage 1060 REM Display loop for file names 1070 FOR i = startIndex TO endIndex 1080 LET fileName = GetMember(fileList, i, ":") 1085 PRINT 0, row, IIF(MusicExist(fileName), "\117", " "), 0, 0 1090 PRINT 1, row, SUBSTR(fileName + emptyline, 0, 35), (i = currentIndex), 0 1100 LET row = row + 1 1110 NEXT i 1120 LET windowChanged = 0 1130 IF row < maxrow THEN GOSUB 1500 1135 GOSUB 2000 ' show window position 1140 SHOW 1150 RETURN 1500 ' fill window available space 1510 for fill = row to maxrow 1520 print 0, fill, emptyline, 0, 0 1530 next fill 1540 RETURN 1600 ' Subroutine to select/unselect a music file (add/remove from jukebox queue) 1610 LET LastSelected = GetMember(fileList, currentIndex, ":") 1620 if MusicExist(LastSelected) THEN CALL MusicRemove(LastSelected) ELSE CALL MusicAdd(LastSelected) 1640 LET windowChanged = 1 1650 RETURN 2000 'show window position 2005 LET screenRowDebug = height - 1 2020 print 0,screenRowDebug, "page:" + str(currentPage)+ " ", 0, 0 2030 print 10,screenRowDebug, "totp:" + str(totalPages)+ " ", 0, 0 2040 print 20,screenRowDebug, "totf:" + str(fileTotal)+ " ", 0, 0 2050 REM print 30,screenRowDebug, "sel:" + str(CountMembers(SelectedList, ":"))+ " ", 0, 0 2060 RETURN 4500 ' draw menu 4510 PRINT 0, 16, "options:", 0, 0 4520 PRINT 2, 17, "clear selections", option = 0, 0 4530 PRINT 2, 18, "select all in folder", option = 1, 0 4540 PRINT 2, 19, "go to first page", option = 2, 0 4550 PRINT 2, 20, "go to last page", option = 3, 0 4560 PRINT 2, 21, "EXIT JUKEBOX", option = 4, 0 4570 PRINT 24, 17, IIF(MusicLoopStatus(), "LOOP (OFF) ", "LOOP (ON) "), option = 5, 0 4580 PRINT 24, 18, "RESET", option = 6, 0 4590 GOSUB 7500 'Draw volume 4600 LET redrawoptions = 0 4610 SHOW 4620 RETURN 5000 ' start menu ------------------- 5010 LETS option, redrawoptions = 0, 0 5020 GOSUB 4500 5030 SLEEP 0.3 'to avoid repeat a button 5040 IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_DOWN") THEN LETS option, redrawoptions = MOD(option + 1, 7), 1 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_UP") THEN LETS option, redrawoptions = MOD(option - 1 + 7, 7), 1 ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_B") THEN GOSUB 5500 ' process selected menu option ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_Y") THEN GOTO 5100 'exit menu ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_RIGHT") THEN GOSUB 8000 ' vol up ELSE IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_LEFT") THEN GOSUB 8500 ' vol down 5050 IF redrawoptions THEN GOSUB 4520 5055 SLEEP 0.1 5060 GOTO 5040 5100 'exit menu 5110 LET option = -1 5120 GOSUB 4520 5130 RETURN 5500 IF option = 0 THEN GOSUB 6300 ELSE IF option = 1 THEN GOSUB 6200 ELSE IF option = 2 THEN GOSUB 6000 ELSE IF option = 3 THEN GOSUB 6100 ELSE IF option = 4 THEN END ELSE IF option = 5 THEN GOSUB 6500 ELSE IF option = 6 THEN GOSUB 7000 5510 RETURN 6000 ' goto first page 6020 LET currentPage = 0 6030 LET currentIndex = 0 6040 GOSUB 1000 'redraw window file 6050 RETURN 6100 ' go to last page 6110 LET currentPage = totalPages - 1 6120 LET currentIndex = currentPage * filesPerPage 6120 GOSUB 1000 'redraw 6130 RETURN 6200 'add all files 6210 CALL MusicAddList(fileList, ":") 6220 LET currentPage = 0 6230 LET currentIndex = 0 6240 GOSUB 1000 'redraw file window 6250 RETURN 6300 'clear all files 6310 CALL MusicClear() 6320 LET currentPage = 0 6330 LET currentIndex = 0 6340 GOSUB 1000 'redraw 6350 RETURN 6500 'loop 6510 CALL MusicLoop(NOT(MusicLoopStatus())) 6520 LET redrawoptions = 1 6530 RETURN 7000 'loop 7010 CALL MusicReset() 7020 RETURN 7500 REM Draw Volume Indicator (volume is in dB) --------------------------------------- 7510 if volume = AudioMusicGetVolume() THEN RETURN ELSE LET volume = AudioMusicGetVolume() 7520 IF volume < minDB THEN LET volume = minDB ELSE IF volume > maxDB THEN LET volume = maxDB 7530 LET volumePercent = INT((volume - minDB) / (maxDB - minDB) * 100) 7540 LET volumeRatio = INT((volumePercent / 100) * (width - 5)) 7550 LET indicator = "\126" * volumeRatio 7560 PRINT 0, height - 2, "vol " + indicator + " ", 0, 0 7570 RETURN 8000 ' volume up 8010 IF volume >= maxDB THEN RETURN 8020 LET volume = volume + 1 8030 CALL AudioMusicSetVolume(volume) 8040 GOSUB 7530 8050 SHOW 8060 RETURN 8500 ' volume down 8510 IF volume <= minDB THEN RETURN 8520 LET volume = volume - 1 8530 CALL AudioMusicSetVolume(volume) 8540 GOSUB 7530 8550 SHOW 8560 RETURN