Show some text on the screen
10 CLS
20 LET x = 0
30 LET y = 0
35 LET inverted = 0
40 PRINT x, y, "test: "+STR(y), inverted
50 LET y = y+1
55 LET inverted = MOD(y, 2)
60 IF y < 10 THEN GOTO 40
70 PRINT 0, y, "END"
Showing text in the AGEBasic screen (in the Configuration control cabinet for example) slows down the program, but you can print all you need and show it in one instruction at the end of your program:
5 cls
10 for y = 0 to 10
20 print 0,y, "line #" + str(i), 0, 0
30 next y
40 show
In the line 20
, you are printing with the parameter show
in false (the last one). And in the line 40
you show all the line printed at the same time. This way you get a better performance.