Configure room lighting
You can configure lights color and intensity.
Using GetLights()
you can get all the lights on the active rooms in a string with the structure: "<light name>|<ligth name>|..."
. Where the light name have the format "<room>:<lightname>"
Read more in the AGEBasic programing manual, light section.
Show actual room lights
10 REM List Lights
15 CLS
20 LET lights = GetLights()
30 LET count = CountMembers(lights, "|")
40 PRINT 0, 0, "Room ID"
50 PRINT 10, 0, "Light Name"
60 PRINT 30, 0, "Intensity"
70 FOR i = 0 TO count - 1
80 LET lightInfo = GetMember(lights, i, "|")
90 LET roomID = GetMember(lightInfo, 0, ":")
100 LET lightName = GetMember(lightInfo, 1, ":")
110 LET intensity = GetLightIntensity(lightInfo)
120 PRINT 0, i + 2, roomID
130 PRINT 10, i + 2, lightName
140 PRINT 30, i + 2, intensity
150 NEXT i
160 SHOW
10010 print 0, 24, "PRESS B to end", 1
10050 IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_B") THEN END
10060 goto 10050
Change lights intensity
This code increase the lights intensity in a 30%. Be careful, the results couldn’t be as expected because the way Unity manage the illumination.
10 REM Increase Light Intensity
20 LET lights = GetLights()
30 LET count = CountMembers(lights, "|")
40 FOR i = 0 TO count - 1
50 LET lightInfo = GetMember(lights, i, "|")
60 LET intensity = GetLightIntensity(lightInfo)
70 REM Increase intensity by 30%
80 LET newIntensity = intensity + (intensity * 0.3)
90 REM Ensure the intensity doesn't exceed 10 (maximum intensity)
100 IF newIntensity > 10 THEN LET newIntensity = 10
110 REM Set the new intensity
120 call SetLightIntensity(lightInfo, newIntensity)
130 NEXT i
140 SHOW
150 END
Change light color
This program changes all the lights to blue.
10 CALL DebugMode(1) 'activate the debug mode
15 CLS
20 LET lights = GetLights()
30 REM Check if lights are present
40 IF LEN(lights) > 0 THEN GOTO 100
50 REM No lights available, end program
60 PRINT 0, 0, "No lights in the room", 0
70 END
80 REM Lights are present, proceed to change color
100 LET numLights = CountMembers(lights, "|")
110 FOR i = 0 TO numLights - 1
120 LET light = GetMember(lights, i, "|")
140 IF NOT(SetLightColor(light, 0, 0, 1)) THEN GOTO 180
150 NEXT i
160 PRINT 0, 23, "Lights changed to blue", 0
170 GOTO 10010
180 PRINT 0, 23, "ERROR setting light color #" + STR(i) + " " + light
190 goto 10010
10010 PRINT 0, 24, "PRESS B to end", 1
10050 IF ControlActive("JOYPAD_B") THEN END
10060 GOTO 10050