To change a configuration file you will need to know the YAML language that is widely used by the game. Like in CDL, there are some rules to follow.

If you already know YAML or CDL you can jump the next section:


CDL (Cabinet description language) is written in YAML.

The special file description.yaml describes the parts of the cabinet.


YAML is composed by keys and values:

key: value

The keys can only contain non-capital letters and no special characters.

Dependency are indicated using tabs.

Values can be anything:

  • integers
  • floats (dot decimal delimited): 3.1416
  • strings
  • booleans: true or false.
  • a document (a group of key/values)
  • a list of values (each element of a list starts with a -)

A yaml detailed tutorial: YAML Tutorial: Everything You Need to Get Started in Minutes

Configuration files

You can find the files in the path /sdcard/Android/data/com.curif.AgeOfJoy/configuration in your Quest 2. If you don’t have the folder, is because you didn’t run the 0.3.0 version (or superior) yet; the first time it runs creates the folder and the default configuration.yaml. Once you have it you are ready to change it.

If you change the file when the game is running, then the game will react a seconds later. You don’t need to restart the game.

You can change files on the Quest disk by copying or editing the file directly.

Files types

You can have two o more types of files in the configuration folder:

  • Global configuration: named configuration.yaml affects all the game.
  • Room configuration: named <room name>.yaml. Example: room001.yaml or roomintro.yaml. Each room in the game has its own code, you can find the code in the Configuration control cabinet installed in each room; just add the .yaml extension to the name.

Room configuration files

At start, only the configuration.yaml file exists, it is global and all the rooms respond to the configuration of that file. But, if you create a room configuration file, then the room will respond to the configuration of that file. You don’t need to repeat all the keys in all files, just change what you need in the room configuration file. For example, you can disable NPCs in the global configuration, but enable them in the room004.yaml. What you write in a room file affects only to that room and only the parameters that you write there, the others parameters responds to the global configuration file.

Both type of files share the same yaml structure.

configuration.yaml elements

  status: enabled
    volume-percent: 70	
    muted: false
    volume-percent: 20
    muted: false
  teleport-enabled: true
  speed: 2
  turn-speed: 80
  snap-turn-amout: 30
  snap-turn-active: false
  height: 1.6
  insert-coin-on-startup: true
  screen-glow-intensity: 5


Non playing characters configuration.

status can be:

  • enabled: they walk and play as usual.
  • static: they walk to a position in the room and stay there forever.
  • disabled: to disable the NPC. They will left you alone in the room.



It’s the background sound, you can change the volume or mute it.

  • volume-percent: 0-100, 100 is loud
  • mute: true/false. You can mute the background audio using this key.


It’s the background sound when you play a game. The keys and values are the same. Maybe you want to mute the background sound when you are playing, or decrement to a 20% (like the example)

System skin

The system-skin key configures the look & feel of the configuration controller screen used in the Visual configuration.

At the moment these are the options:

  • zx: Sinclair look and feel
  • cpc: Amstrad
  • c64: Commodore 64


Refers to the player’s movement in the virtual space (walk, rotate, etc.)

  • teleport-enabled: true or false. Activate/deactivate the In Room Teleportation
  • speed: is the translation velocity. The velocity used to walk.
  • turn-speed: is the velocity that the player used when rotate.
  • snap-turn-active: true or false. Activate/deactivate snap turn.
  • snap-turn-amount: number of degrees to rotate.


To configure some aspects about the player:

  • height: a decimal point number that represents the player’s eye sight height. Values can vary from 1.35 to 1.85 max. 1.6 is an average height. The default (zero) is your real height.


Use Calculated (height zero) to use your real height in the game. The values are not exact but indicative.

OptionHeight (aprox)
Pac-man (short)1.35m
Final Fantasy (avg)1.6m
Street Fighter1.7m
Donkey Kong1.75m
Mega Boss1.8m
NBA Jam (tall)1.85m


  height: 1.6


Global cabinet configuration

insert-coin-on-startup: Set to true to not start the game when you insert the first coin. Useful in games that you want to enjoy the start of the game (presentation activities).

insert-coin-on-startup: false

screen-glow-intensity: set a value from 0 (no glow) to 5 to control the intensity of the CRT screen light. This setting allows the screen’s glow to realistically affect the surrounding cabinet parts.


AGEBasic a special version of the BASIC programming language. To learn how to program in AGEBasic read the AGEBasic programing document.

You can change the configuration of any the room using an AGEBasic program. The program will run after the room loads. If you want to run the same AGEBasic program globally for all the rooms, the best way is to set it in the configuration.yaml file. But if you want to run a different one for any room you can set it in the <room name>.yaml (room configuration file). You can set both, and if a room have a configuration file with an agebasic entry on it, the configuration cabinet will use the last one and discard the global one. This is the normal behavior for all configuration files (see the Merging section below)

The programs runs in the Configuration control cabinet, and you can see the results in the screen.

As always you can set the debug entry and the configuration cabinet will save the errors (if any) in a file . Also you can set the Debug Mode with the AGEBasic funcion DebugMode(1) in your AGEBasic program.



  after-load: configroom1.bas
  active: true
  debug: false

This configroom1.bas will run after the room001 is loaded, because is configure in the room001.yaml file. The configroom1.bas must exists in the /sdcard/Android/data/com.curif.AgeOfJoy/AGEBasic path. If not, you will receive an error like:

If the program has some syntax error on it, you should check it again in the screen of the configuration cabinet:

Or if the program runs without any problem:

Merging Example

In this example, you disabled all NPCs except those in room001.


  status: disabled
    volume-percent: 70	
    muted: false
    volume-percent: 20
    muted: false


  status: enabled