This is a checklist to follow in order to create a correct description.yaml for your cabinet.

  • Check the correct file name: is description.yaml
  • Verify the YAML indentation. Read the YAML information.
  • Search for misspelled yaml keys.
  • Verify the required cabinet’s parts and “Art” parts file names
  • Add the md5 checksum if your cabinet have a rom. You can get your md5 here: MD5 Hash Calculator
  • Verify the file name of the model (glb) it’s ok, avoid a misspelled name.
  • Set the debug-mode: true in the yaml file. Verify to not have errors in the Debug information log file. Change it to false (or delete the line) upon distribution.
  • Is a good practice to:
    • set the author key with your name information or Discord server user.
    • set the comments key with information about the cabinet
    • set the year of publication of the game
    • set the version (increment it to know that the cabinet was modified. Follow a semantic version system)
  • If your game have AGEBasic programs on it, check the Debug mode and check for issues in the log files. Delete it upon distribution.
  • Use ASTC textures when possible